2015 & January Goals

Happy New Year!

This year I’ve decided to have 2 overall fitness goals and then set a few goals for each month. I think by setting goals each month, my overall 2015 goals will be easier to achieve. Goal #1 is to log 1,000 miles by walking/running/biking. That was one of the reasons that I created the 100 January Miles with Greater Fitness challenge on Facebook. I intend to host this challenge every month this year, which would put me over my goal! I have plans to run several races, including half marathons, but they will be included and discussed in my monthly goals posts. Goal #2 is to return to my happy weight/fitness level. The picture below is the one that comes to mind when I think of this goal. I was in the best shape of my life and I was seconds away from crossing the finish line to a new 5K PR when the photo was captured.


I’m ready to lose the rest of my baby weight, tone up and crush my old PR’s!

My goals for January are to:

*Run/Walk/Bike 100 miles and post my progress through the above mentioned Facebook group

*Stick to a 1200 calorie diet. I’ll use MyFitnessPal app to help me track this, along with fat, sugar, sodium, etc intake.


If you use myfitnesspal please connect with me! My username is TeenyLey.

*Go to the gym at least 4 times a week

*Only drink water, 100% juice or milk

*Lose 10 pounds

The good thing about all of these goals is that I’ve already started to get used to what it takes to achieve them. For the past week, I’ve only drank the above mentioned drinks, gone to the gym 6 days out of 7, used myfitnesspal and logged 4 of my 100 miles today.

I didn’t want to start from scratch with my January goals. I wanted goals that I could ease into. I plan to challenge myself more in February. I’ll also be running in my first post pregnancy 5K next month, so I’m using this month to train.

Do you make new fitness goals each year? Do you make monthly goals?

Happy New Year! (Fitness Goals for 2014)

Happy New Year from our family to yours!

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How did you ring in the new year? We attended a New Years Eve bash at our church. There was a chili cook-off (yummy!) and lots of other food. We also enjoyed listening to the DJ, dancing, and spending time with some of our best friends and my awesome co-workers.

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2013 was the first year that I made a New Year’s resolution and I can successfully say I met it. This year my family and I experienced trials and triumphs, but through shin splints, weight loss, Andrew’s wreck, career changes, returning to college and the death of a pet, I  still met my goal-I became a runner. The best part is that I have a family full of runners! Andrew started running about a month after me and he has placed in almost all of his races since then! By the time we run the Princess Half in February it will be Andrew’s 3rd in 4 months! And we discovered that our 6 year-old son has a natural talent as a runner. He is running his first 5K next month because “kid races” are too short for him and he wants something with a longer distance. Does anyone know of a local running group for children? We are starting research on that this week. Forget signing him up for youth baseball, soccer or basketball. Our son is a runner and a pretty good one too.

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So, what are my fitness goals for 2014? I’m printing this list and sticking it on the fridge. I LOVE crossing goals off of my “life list”!

  • Run 1,000 miles by Dec. 31st, 2014 – Maybe that sounds too ambitious for someone who just started running a year ago. But, in one year I changed my body and lifestyle enough to be able to run my first half marathon. I’ve learned that I thrive when I have a challenge before me, especially one that seems unattainable. I will not count steps that I take each day or walks. Only training runs or races will count. I picture myself counting down the miles each week and I look forward to it.
  • Finish runDisney’s Princess Half Marathon on February 23rd – Y’all knew this was going to be on the list. It’s my biggest fitness dream.
  • Run an overnight relay – I am interested in one that is in SC, and that’s the one I’m planning on. However, I’ve seen a few that are in other states that look like more fun…which leads me to…
  • Race in a different state – So far I’ve run races in SC, TN, and FL. I want to eventually run in all 50 states, but for this year I will be happy to just check one or two more states off. I’ve seen a few in NC and GA that have me interested, and since those states are so close by, those will likely be the two I do this year.
  • Add more Weight Training – I admit that I have focused on cardio way too much this past year. If you are looking for me at the gym I’ll either be running the track, swimming laps, on a bike or in a class (Zumba or Yoga/Pilates). I HAVE to start adding weight training. I actually really like lifting weights. I just get in my “zone” when I do cardio and I prefer the alone time I get when I run, swim or bike. However, Andrew has made me a killer weight lifting plan that I plan to start today, and my goal is to stick with it!
  • Sorry, it is a secret! – I have one more fitness goal for 2014 but I can’t share it yet. Don’t you hate when people do that? I’m sorry! I like the accountability I get when I share my goals. Once it is in print and my family/friends know about it then I am more likely to accomplish it. But, I want to save one for me because I want to (1) surprise myself when I do it and (2) surprise my family/friends as well. When will I tell? Registration ends soon, so once I register I’ll share it. Be on the lookout!

What are your fitness goals for 2014? Do you keep record of how many miles you run a year? Have you ever run an overnight relay? Leave your answers in the comments, I would love to hear them!