Weekly Workout Recap (Pregnancy Week 12)



Last week was the 12th week of my pregnancy and I finally had a full week at the gym!

After running the Princess Half Marathon I took 3 weeks off from any exercise. I felt great while running the race and I’ll have a post up soon about that. However, my morning sickness had taken a toll on my body and I needed a break. I was pretty miserable. Everything I ate tasted awful, I was tired constantly and I wished so badly that I would just throw up. I went for a check up at week 10 and Baby Moore looked great.  I was happy to hear that I hadn’t gained a pound since becoming pregnant! She reassured me that I should start feeling better within the next few weeks. Sure enough, I started to feel better that very weekend. She told me that I could continue my regular exercise and encouraged me to do all of the activities I did before I became pregnant. 

Monday-1 hr. yoga

Tuesday- 30 min. swim

Wednesday- off

Thursday- 30 min. swim

Friday- arm & 30 min. swim

Saturday- 1 hr. swim

I tried to take it easy last week and plan to step it back up this upcoming week. I did not exercise at all with Connor and had terrible postpartum depression. I am planning to exercise with this pregnancy as long as my doctor will let me. I hope that it will help me keep down excessive weight gain and will help eliminate any possibility of depression after I deliver. 

Did you exercise during your pregnancy? What exercises did you do last week?